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CD audio
CD audio

Auteur(s)Endelman, Stephen (Compositeur) ;Van Morrison (Chanteur) ;Brosnan, Pierce (Chanteur) ;Sissel

Titre(s)Evelyn : B.O.F / Stephen Endelman, compositeur.

Editeur(s)Null : Decca, 2003.

ContientSitting on the top of the world / Van Morrison. - Opening credits. - Mom leaves on St Stephen's day. - The Nuns. - The First judgement. - On the banks of the roses / Brosnan, Pierce. - Desmond hugs Evelyn. - The Chase. - The Parting class / Brosnan, Pierce. - D'You fancy him. - Grandpa's angel rays. - Fight the good fight. - Desmond loses. - The Rugger game. - Jig two. - Statue of Justice. - The Verdict. - Angel rays / Sissel.

Sujet(s)Musique de film


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CD audioFarges en SeptaineAdulte6 END01 disponible

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