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Tougher than love

CD audio
CD audio

Auteur(s)King, Diana (Parolier)

Titre(s)Tougher than love / Diana King.

Editeur(s)Columbia, Sony, 1995.

ContientLove me thru the night. - Shy guy. - Love triangle. - Ain't nobody. - Tougher than love. - Can't do without you. - Slow rush. - Treat her like a lady. - Black roses. - Tumble down. - I'm still in love. - I'll do it. - Love me thru the night ; shy guy ; love triangle ; ain't nobody ; tougher than love ; can't do without you ; slow rush ; treat her like a lady ; black roses ; tumble down : I'm still in love ; I'll do it.

Notestextes joints.

Sujet(s)Musique noire américaine Soul music


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