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Defiant order


Auteur(s)Birdy Nam Nam (Artiste de spectacle) ;Teki Latex (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Defiant order / Birdy Nam Nam.

Editeur(s)Sony music : Epic, 2011 (P).

ContientJaded future. - Defiant order. - Parache. - Written in the sand. - Cadillac dreams / Teki Latex. - Big city knights. - Goin' in. - (The golden era of) El cobra discoteca. - The plan. - Melancholy at the sports bar. - Black bird cloud.

Sujet(s)Big beat ** France


Lienhttp://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201109/01-0886979354920.mp3 ;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201109/02-0886979354920.mp3 ;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201109/03-0886979354920.mp3 ;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201109/04-0886979354920.mp3 ;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201109/05-0886979354920.mp3

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