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Gulag orkestar


Auteur(s)Beirut (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Gulag orkestar / Beirut.

Editeur(s)Naïve : 4AD, 2006 (P).

ContientThe Gulag orkestar. - Prenzlauerberg. - Brandenburg. - Postcards from Italy. - Mount Wroclai (Idle days). - Rhineland (Heartland). - Scenic world. - Bratislava. - The Bunker. - The Canals fo our city. - After the curtain. - Elephant gun. - My family's role in the world revolution. - Scenic world. - The Long island sound. - Caroussels.

Sujet(s)Rock (musique) ** Etats-Unis Folk-rock (musique)


Lienhttp://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201010/01-0652637261929.mp3 ;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201010/02-0652637261929.mp3 ;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201010/03-0652637261929.mp3 ;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201010/04-0652637261929.mp3 ;http://www.gamannecy.com/polysson/201010/05-0652637261929.mp3

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