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For the next generation


Auteur(s)Maxxo ;Akhenaton ;Macka B ;Romeo, Max ;Paiko ;Odua, Yaniss

Titre(s)For the next generation / Maxxo, Akhenaton, Macka B., Max Romeo, Paiko, Yaniss Odua.

Editeur(s)Play It Again Sam, 2010 (P).

ContientNext generation. - Mother nature. - Father for son / Maxxo & Akhenaton. - No secret. - Moving picture. - Perfect style / Maxxo & Macka B. - Give a chance. - Sweat dreams of I. - Winner round / Maxxo & Romeo, Max. - Me rise / Maxxo & Paiko. - Love is in the air. - U gonna dance / Maxxo & Odua, Yaniss. - Hurry up yourself. - Living 4 today.

Sujet(s)Reggae ** France


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