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Full moon rising

CD audio
CD audio

Auteur(s)Pura Fe'

Titre(s)Full moon rising / Pura Fe'.

Editeur(s)Harmonia Mundi, 2009 (P).

ContientRed black on blues. - Grammah easter's lullaby. - Borders. - Flight tonight. - Woman sacred. - Four daughters. - The condor meets the eagle. - Hard time killing floor. - Great grampah s banjo. - Stand up for human pride. - Duhnge. - My angel. - Ole mid life crisis. - Mahk jchi. - All my relations. - Back in the world. - The jam.



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SupportBibliothèqueSectionLocalisationCoteSituationDate retour prévue
CD audioFarges en SeptaineAdulte1.1 PUR01 disponible

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